Software Packages ÏÂÔØ

  • FITSIO - A subroutine library for reading and writing FITS files for C and Fortran programmers.
  • FTOOLS - General FITS file utility programs and mission-specific data analysis tools.
  • FV - Interactive editor and viewer for astronomical data files in FITS format. Also provides access to Hera.
  • HEAsoft - A unified release of the FTOOLS and XANADU packages.
  • Hera - Run the FTOOLS and XANADU software on the Hera servers at the HEASARC, without having to install the software packages locally.
  • Maki - Displays fields of view for various instruments on FITS images. Currently supports the Suzaku XIS & HXD, Chandra ACIS & HRC, XMM EPIC, and RXTE PCA detectors.
  • PIMMS - Program to estimate count rates from fluxes or vice versa, or to estimate count rates in one instrument from those measured in another.
  • Profit - GUI tool for visualizing and modeling high-resolution spectra.
  • XANADU - Suite of spectral (xspec), timing (xronos), and image (ximage) analysis programs
  • XSELECT - Multipurpose tool for filtering event files and generating images, spectra, and light curves. Distributed as part of the HEASARC package on the download page.
  • XSTAR - Program for calculating physical conditions and emission spectra in photoionized gases.

    ASTRO-Update - Latest Versions of Useful Multi-mission Software

    FITS - Data Formats, Standards and HEASARC Conventions for High-Energy Astrophysics Data